Letter to Parties and Constituencies on Transparency
Aug 29, 2024
Letter to Parties and Constituencies on Transparency

Dear Colleagues,

With COP29 in Baku fewer than 75 days away, it is imperative that we take tangible steps to demonstrate our shared commitment to climate action.

As we conveyed earlier this year, the COP29 Presidency’s vision centers around two parallel and mutually reinforcing pillars: enhancing ambition and enabling action, with climate finance as our top priority. As we reiterate the necessity for all Parties to enhance their ambition in the next generation of national climate plans, transparency forms a cornerstone of mutual trust and accountability. It ensures that our collective actions to combat climate change are robust, comprehensive, and measurable. By transparently reporting our words and deeds, our progress and challenges, we reaffirm our commitment to achieving our climate goals.

It is in this context that the COP29 Presidency is emphasizing the key role of Biennial Transparency Reports (BTRs), as Parties implement the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF). With the deadline for submission of the first BTRs rapidly approaching, it is critical to ensure that all countries are ready and able to submit. BTRs will be pivotal in tracking our progress, building trust, and identifying areas where further action and investment are needed.

We encourage all Parties to make early BTR submissions in advance of COP29. While recognizing the varying starting points of each country, early submissions of BTRs will be a strong demonstration of our collective commitment to transparency.

The COP29 Presidency commends Guyana, Andorra, and Panama for their early BTR submissions. To lead by example, Azerbaijan is currently working on submitting its own BTR in advance of COP29. We also extend our sincerest gratitude to all Parties that have assured us of their timely submissions of BTRs before the COP29. Your efforts will be recognized at COP29 and will serve as an inspiration to others in the final sprint towards the December 31st, 2024, deadline.

We understand that it will be challenging for many Parties to measure and report data and there is significant need for capacity building. In light of this, the COP29 Presidency is taking decisive steps to ensure ongoing political engagement and enhance collaboration and capacity-building so we can all deliver on our collective transparency commitments at COP29 and beyond.

On September 3rd, 2024, the COP29 Presidency will host a High-Level Dialogue (HLD) to sustain momentum for increased transparency action in the lead-up to COP29. This High-Level Dialogue will focus on building confidence among Parties, raising political awareness about the importance of universal participation in the ETF, and fostering collaboration among stakeholders.

During the HLD, the COP29 Presidency will officially launch a flagship initiative, the Baku Global Climate Transparency Platform (BTP), and introduce the COP29 High-Level Pairs for Transparency: Ms. Zulfiya Suleimenova, Advisor to the President of Kazakhstan and Special Representative for International Environmental Cooperation, and Mr. Francesco Corvaro, Italy’s Special Envoy for Climate Change. We thank them for their support and encourage all Parties to engage with them to ensure a successful COP29.

The main objective of the BTP is to enhance confidence and support Parties in preparing and finalizing their BTRs, as well as implementing the ETF beyond 2024, in particular, supporting the capacity-building efforts of developing country Parties along the way. The BTP will complement existing transparency platforms, including the #Together4Transparency initiative, aligning with and enhancing the existing transparency ecosystem. Our goal is to unite stakeholders committed to support developing country Parties in the preparation and submission of BTRs, promote collaboration and knowledge exchange amongst all Parties on the full spectrum of the ETF, and better mobilize capacity-building resources where they are needed. By doing so, we can help to ensure the effective implementation of the ETF and the success of the Paris Agreement.

We are also keen to better understand how the BTP can support and meet the needs of Parties most effectively. I cordially invite you to participate in the HLD, share your feedback and contribute to further development cycles of the BTP as we mark this pivotal step towards enhancing global climate transparency together. I also encourage you to participate in our online survey by September 30, so the COP29 Presidency can better understand the progress made on BTRs and how we can best support you. The relevant link for the mentioned survey will be provided by the UNFCCC Secretariat to the focal points of Parties.

Over the upcoming months, building upon the first COP29 transparency workshop, held in Baku from May 13-14, 2024, the COP29 Presidency and its partners will intensify our efforts on transparency by hosting regional workshops across Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus and Central Asia, Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Caribbean. We will also continue to organize online BTR workshops to ensure the widest possible participation and inclusion. Further, supported by the UNFCCC Secretariat and in collaboration with UN Agencies and partners as part of the BTP, we will convene the High-Level Dialogue on Global Climate Transparency during the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York on September 25, 2024.

The COP29 Presidency encourages all Parties to involve civil society, Indigenous Peoples, women, youth, and other key stakeholders in the transparency process. It is only by working in an inclusive manner that we can strengthen the trust and accountability required to raise our mutual ambition on climate action, achieve our collective climate goals and create a sustainable future for all.

We urge you to engage with the BTP and take full advantage of the support and resources it will offer.

Thank you for your continued support and commitment to transparent and effective climate action.

H.E. Mukhtar Babayev
COP29 President-Designate
Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources
Republic of Azerbaijan

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